Here’s The Secret To Becoming A Solopreneur: Authenticity

The internet gives everyone with a WiFi connection the opportunity to catapult themselves into soloprenuers (solo + entrepreneurs). These are creators who leverage ever-cheaper software, digital infrastructure, and creative tools to build monster businesses on the backs of their audiences. The most critical part of building a solopreneur business is authenticity. People will ONLY buy from you if they trust you. And authenticity is the backbone of trust.

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You Are Defined By Your Worst Day, Not Your Best

Most people want to talk about their best day. The day they made a bunch of money, launched their business, or replaced their income with their side hustle. And it’s incredibly important to celebrate these victories. But what these winners don’t talk about is what they did on their worst day. This is the day that matters the most because their story didn’t end. They survived to keep playing the game.

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Build An Audience, Then Sell Them The Product Or Service They Want

The ability to produce and scale media online has created an unprecedented opportunity for non-technical "creatives" (writers, artists, performers, visual designers, etc.) to build and monetize an audience. For the average person, this is the most accessible path to wealth creation in their 20s, 30s, and 40s.

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Learn To Sell: Ethical Sales As An Extension Of Yourself

Take a moment and think about the last three products (or services) you bought that you were really pleased with - either physical or digital. Now, think of all the pleasure and joy you’ve gotten out of your products. Ask yourself: would you have paid 5% more for any of these products you’ve enjoyed? How about 10% more? For me, the answer is yes. If the answer is yes for you, then you, the customer, is the winner of all these sales transactions! In ethical sales, the customer is the biggest winner.

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How To Conquer Fear: Ideas, Models, & More

Fear destroys your endeavors far more effectively than anything else. Fear of failure, fear of embarrassment, fear of the unknown - all of these stops you before you even begin. Here are a few ideas on how to conquer fear from those who have done it before you.

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Seek Simple And Obvious Ideas, Not Complex Ones

Simple and obvious rules of thumb are powerful. Do they always work? Of course not, but they work most of the time in most situations. Nassim Nicholas Taleb writes in his book, Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder, about this “Less is more” idea. Simple ideas are not perfect, but they are not meant to be. They are “fast and frugal,” designed to “make good decisions despite limited time, knowledge, and computing power.”

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22 Wealth Creators and Their Philosophies

Here’s a list of 22 wealth creators and their philosophies. A disclaimer first, though. Don’t take this as the whole truth. Each person has more than a single idea that makes up their point of view on wealth creation. I’ve pulled out a few core ideas that I find most interesting. So in a way, they are subjective, while still being incredibly useful. Enjoy.

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