Charlie Munger addressed shareholders and answered questions at the Daily Journal Corporation’s annual meeting in Los Angeles in February 2020. I went into the transcript and pulled out 5 lessons on wealth creation from Charlie Munger’s annual address.
Read MoreTime is your most important asset. You can always make more money, but you can’t get back your time. That’s why the idea of time “chunking” as a productivity tool sparked my interest. This time management technique can help you be more productive and feel better about how you spend the finite hours of your day.
Read MoreIt’s hard to be the best at something. I’m not talking “pretty good” or even “scary good.” I’m talking face-melting, hysteria-inducing, “greatest-ever” best. This is very hard to do. It’s almost impossible. Instead of trying to be the best at 1 thing, you should try and become very good at two or more things. Very good means that you’re in the top 25% in that field. That’s the 25% rule.
Read MoreIt was a surreal experience attending Charlie Munger’s talk at the Daily Journal Corp’s annual shareholder meeting in Los Angeles. Here’s my summary of his address in bullet-point form. Enjoy!
Read MoreThe world needs more selfish people. I’m not talking about rude, egotistical maniacs. I’m talking about the kind of selfish people who take care of themselves before they take care of other people. Because as the saying goes, you can’t pour from an empty cup.
Read MoreJealousy is destructive. It’s the root of bad investments, of FOMO (fear of missing out), and, as Munger points out, there’s no upside – only pain. The good news is that there’s a relatively easy way you can use to get rid of this feeling. And once you make this mental trick a permanent practice, you’ll never feel jealous again.
Read MoreIf you typed “How to make money starting with nothing” into your search engine or clicked on a social link from Twitter and landed here, welcome! I’m happy to have you. You’re part of a special group of have-nots looking to bootstrap themselves into generational wealth. A word of warning though… This series is going to be a little bit different than the others you’ve read […]
Read MoreIf you want to stop wasting time on the internet, you must internalize two concepts. The first concept is that you are what you expose yourself to. The second concept is that desire is suffering. You have to find your one overarching desire and suffer only over that. Once you’ve established this desire, you can curate the content you consume through that lens of desire. Suddenly, you’re no longer wasting your time online - you’re using it.
Read MoreIf you want to be more focused, energized, and productive, you need to hack your own psychology. Don’t worry, it’s not as complicated as it sounds. I’ve spent the last year researching and writing about the cognitive biases that influence behavior. Now I’m going to tell you how you can use these mental models to increase your own productivity. Here are 5 ways to hack your own psychology to be more productive […]
Read MoreI recently wrote a Twitter thread on 20 thoughts to end my 20s. This article is that thread in article form. If you want to see the original thread, you can find it here. Inspiration: Charlie Munger, Naval Ravikant, Warren Buffett, Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Peter Kaufman. 1. Gratitude is a superpower. If you can be grateful for the things you have, opportunities will find you. Authentic gratitude can change your life […]
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