Enthusiasm Is Good, But Endurance Is Better

Starting is easy. Everyone who sets out to create something is enthusiastic at the beginning. But as you get deeper into the project, that enthusiasm fades. And eventually, you’re left sitting in the dark shadow of the mountain you now have to climb. Enthusiasm will fuel your beginning. But it’s endurance that will get you to the end.

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The Universe Rewards Courage

To fully understand the most powerful forces in life, you have to experience them. Compound interest is just a buzzword until you watch it happen. Iteration is just an idea until you turn something that started out badly into your greatest work yet. It’s the same with commitment. Until you commit to something with your entire being, you won’t understand how the world moves for you. It moves to help you. Because the universe rewards courage.

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5 Personal Habits That Will Make You Richer

One aspect of wealth creation often overlooked is that the longer you live, the richer you’ll be. This is because of compound interest, where the greatest gains come at the end of the compounding period. That’s why it’s important to make your physical and mental health a priority. The longer you can stay sharp and productive, the richer you’ll be.

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To Unleash Your Potential, Take Back Your Story

The only thing that’s holding you back from building the life you want is the story you tell yourself. Our minds are runaway story generators, and most of these stories are self-limiting. The stories you tell yourself create your reality. If you are telling yourself a self-limiting story, you are limiting what your life can look like. You have to take them back.

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The “Secret” To Success Is Consistency

The difference between success and failure is consistency. Because consistency is what leads to compounding: slow, incremental, constant progress. And with compounding, small gains compound on each other to create massive change over time. This is what Charlie Munger and Warren Buffett used to build their fortunes. It’s what professional athletes and artists use to become elite. It’s what you can use to achieve anything you want.

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Status vs. Wealth: Why The Rich Don't Act Rich

Those who signal their “wealth” are rarely wealthy. This is because they are playing a different game than wealth accumulation. They are playing status games - which are exhausting and expensive. Meanwhile, true wealth accumulators avoid status games and buy productive assets instead. Play wealth accumulation games, not status games.

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