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ChatGPT is now a core part of my workflow and I keep having this reoccurring thought: I’m so glad I get paid by the execution, and not by the hour. Not only can I work faster with AI and create more value, but the inherent creativity within each project protects me from being automated away by AI agents. The more I rely on AI, the more I realize this simple truth: the best defense against automation is creative, project-based work.
How do you know when to switch AI models? Obviously price plays a role. But there are other factors to consider - like the benefits of compounding with a single LLM over time. Compound interest is one of the most powerful forces in finance and in life. Your business and romantic relationships compound. Your online assets compound. Your skills compound. And now your relationship with artificial intelligence will compound… if you choose one and stick with it.
ChatGPT just launched its “Tasks” feature that makes content curation fast and easy. And if I was starting from scratch, I’d use it as a launching pad for a newsletter. Here’s how you can use ChatGPT Tasks to start your first newsletter.
Creativity is messy... and it’s supposed to be. One thing that’s helped me organize my ideas is ChatGPT’s Projects feature. You can categorize your conversations into projects, and also give each project custom instructions that are stored in ChatGPT’s memory. Here’s how…
If you commit to something with all of your being, you can accomplish it (over a long enough time period). The problem is that many people have trouble committing. Or don’t know what to commit to. They suffer from choice paralysis, where the sheer number of available options is so overwhelming that it becomes difficult to make a decision at all. But no matter where you are at, it’s not too late (and certainly not in your early 30s!) to pick a path and start compounding.
When you’re feeling creatively blocked or you’re stuck on a specific problem (like how to connect one plot point to another), ChatGPT is an fantastic tool. If you ask it the right questions, ChatGPT will give you outside-the-box ideas to shake up your process and break you out of your funk. So, here are some of my favorite ChatGPT prompts that I use to break my creative blocks and get back to work.