A newsletter To

Master The Mindset Of The Wealthy.

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The Wealest newsletter is for those who want to master the mindset of the wealthy and get simple, actionable wealth-building concepts sent right to their inbox every week.

It explores the mental models of wealth creation from those who have done it before you. People like Charlie Munger, Warren Buffett, Naval Ravikant, Felix Dennis, and many other millionaires and billionaires who are using free leverage (media and code) to build their empires.

Why Wealest

Based in principles you can learn.

The millionaire Naval Ravikant tells us that becoming wealthy is a skillset you can learn.

“I like to think that if I lost all my money and if you drop me on a random street in any English-speaking country, within 5, 10 years I’d be wealthy again, because it’s just a skill set that I’ve developed and I think anyone can develop.”

That’s what this newsletter is all about - developing that skillset and using it to build valuable assets that work for you while you sleep.

Focused On Building Leverage For Free.

Leverage is the most important part of building wealth.

I’m not talking about financial leverage to boost returns. I’m talking about free leverage through media and code. This is the leverage of the newly rich and it’s the kind you can start building right now on the internet for almost nothing.

Exploring interdisciplinary mental models.

Most formal education programs fail to teach you the most important lessons.

Charlie Munger, Vice Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, has made his billions by thinking through a multidisciplinary mental framework. This framework includes ideas from math, biology, physics, history, and psychology, among others.

The Wealest newsletter will give you pieces of this mental framework each week so you can build your own.

Ideas for more than just getting rich.

The same mental models that can make you wealthier can also make you happier.

Ideals like gratefulness, kindness, trust, and integrity are an integral part of the wealth building process.

These will serve you in every part of your life.

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