10 Business Ideas For Couples And How To Start Them In 2023

This article is for couples who want to start a business together and are looking for ideas.

I married a total rock star. And I couldn’t have taken the “unconventional” path without her support. We started a business writing movies and creating content together, and it was the best decision we ever made.

If you have a special someone in your life and have been thinking about what it would be like to work together, here’s a list of 10 business ideas for couples and how to start them in 2023. I’ve tried to come up with business ideas that a couple in particular would have a unique advantage starting. Because work is better together!


1. Proposal Planning Business

My wife and I have actually done this one. She used to work for a proposal planning company and whenever her workload was too heavy, I would come along and help out. It’s a great business for a couple, because you get to work with other (hopefully) happy couples!

How To Start:

Pick a specific niche to help build your brand. This could be a type of proposal (beach proposals, destination proposals, etc.), or it could be a specific target market (e.g., same-sex couples, religious couples, etc.).

Build a portfolio of photos and videos to showcase your work. Everything must be “Instagramable” these days. So make sure you’re capturing epic photos and video footage on the day not just for the happy couple, but for your portfolio too.

Promote your business locally. The thing about a proposal business is that you (or someone from your team) need to actually be there for the big “I do.” So work on promoting locally and getting referrals in your area with great word of mouth.

And with any luck, your couples will want to keep you around to plan their…

2. Wedding Planning Business

If you and your partner nail the proposal, your clients may just ask you to plan their wedding too. This is often higher stakes (with a lot more money involved), but if you’re built for it, it’s a great business.

How To Start:

Find a reputable wedding planning course and get certified. Nothing can really prepare you for planning and executing a wedding, but completing a course can help. And taking it together as a couple can make it more fun!

Offer your services to friends and family first for small weddings. When you work with people who know and love you, they’ll be much faster to forgive you if you make a mistake. So start small and start with a low-stake wedding.

Use testimonials to build your reputation. Social proof works - even if it’s from friends and family. So ask them to write you a business review. Or even better, have them do a video testimonial you can put up on your wedding planning landing page.

3. Relationship Podcast Business

If you and your partner love discussing all things love, a relationship podcast could be a great place to start. There’s something charming about a real couple chatting about real life on a podcast. If you stick with it, there’s plenty of opportunity to generate revenue through episode sponsorships and brand collaborations.

How To Start:

Choose a niche or angle for your podcast that sets you apart. It could focus on love languages, dating advice, or even dissecting romantic comedy movies.

Put together a publishing schedule and stick with it. One episode doesn’t make a podcast. Publish episodes regularly to give yourself the best chance of building an audience.

Leverage other platforms at the same time. Consider recording video to post on YouTube, and cut up clips for Instagram and X. This will help with reach and create smaller snippets that drive back to your longer episodes.


4. Couples Cooking Classes Business

There's nothing like bonding over a hot stove and a good meal. If one of you is a culinary wizard and the other an eager student—or if both of you are skilled chefs—you can offer unique cooking classes aimed at couples. This one isn’t for my wife and me because I’m a terrible cook and she’s amazing so it would net out to just subpar food!

How to Start:

Meet all the legal requirements first. Get the necessary food safety certifications and make sure your cooking space complies with local health and safety regulations.

Offer free or discounted cooking workshops initially. This not only lets you perfect your teaching methods but also helps get you those crucial first testimonials. Use either video or text testimonials to build up that social proof.

Scale up by creating premium packages. Once you’ve got some credibility and a small following, start offering more specialized cooking classes. Maybe “Date Night Sushi” or “Anniversary Dinner For Two” (or three if that’s your thing!) These can command higher prices and let adventurous couples try more adventurous foods.

Bonus: Create digital media to scale your classes. This is a site about digital leverage after all, so consider creating cooking e-books, how-to videos, or even meal kits that you can sell online. This lets you scale your classes beyond your local market,

5. Fitness Coaching Business For Couples

Fitness is more fun together. Yes, it’s still hard. And painful. But each of us has a much better chance of getting fit (and staying fit) if our partner is on the same wavelength. That’s why if you and your spouse are both fitness enthusiasts, consider a fitness coaching business. Remember: health is wealth!

How to start:

Make sure you have the proper fitness certificates. These are a must to make sure people take your business seriously, AND you’re providing quality instruction. You can even specialize in something like Yoga, HIIT, or weightlifting.

Host a few free community sessions to kick things off. These lessons help you find your first customers, collect testimonials, and work out (get it?) the kinks in your program.

Consider offering “fitness journeys.” These are usually multi-week programs that couples can commit to to transform their bodies and their lives. You could include nutrition plans, regular check-ins, and personalized fitness routines.

6. Couple Pet Sitting Business

If you and your partner are animal lovers, imagine getting paid to cuddle, feed, and take care of pets - together! My wife and I have a Maltese, and if she wasn’t such a grumpy old lady, we’d consider this…

How to Start:

Offer your services to friends and family to start. This is your testing ground, and it gives you the advantage of working with pets you’re already familiar with. Plus, it gets you the social proof your clients will need to trust you with their pet.

Make sure your home or space is pet-friendly. Safety is paramount. You may need to create a dedicated area for the pets you'll be watching. This area should be secure, clean, and include basic amenities like food and water bowls, toys, and sleeping mats.

Apply for any necessary licenses or permits. Regulations differ by jurisdiction, but some areas require pet sitters to be certified or registered. Make sure you’ve covered yourself and your pets properly.


7. Outdoor Adventure Business

Combine your passion for nature and adrenaline rushes by starting an outdoor adventure business with the one person who kicks your heart rate up into high gear! Get it? Because love.

How To Start:

Make a list of unique outdoor adventure areas. Do your research to find epic but safe spots for activities like hiking, mountain biking, kayaking, and rock climbing. These should be areas that offer a cool experience but are also accessible to the public.

Get your safety and regulatory ducks in a row. Remember to always adhere to local and national regulations. Get the right permits, certificates, and safety gear / equipment to make sure you and your clients are not just having fun, but doing it safely and legally.

Promote your business online. Video will be a huge part of this, so capture as much as you can to showcase your stunning locations on Instagram.

8. Couple’s Advice Newsletter

We all need help with love. If you and your spouse are great writers AND enjoy getting into the nitty gritty of why your relationship works so well, starting an e-newsletter could be a great choice. If you stick with it, it’s only a matter of time until those sponsors come a knocking.

How to Start:

Pick your specialty. Focus on a particular relationship stage or problem that you’re most interested in, like dating, married life, or even navigating the ups and downs of working together as a couple. The more specific you are, the larger your potential audience.

Build a landing page. Choose a simple design, and put extra effort into clearly defining your niche and the kind of useful content readers can expect if they sign up. Then, add a strong call to action (CTA) to get people to sign up.

Create content weekly to include in your newsletter. A newsletter needs new content - so make sure you’re sending fresh info out each week. Balance evergreen content with more time-sensitive copy, and always remember that you and your partner’s personal experience is the fuel for your content engine.

9. Wedding Photography Business

If you or your spouse have an eye for photography, this business could make a lot of sense. Everyone likes working with a well-oiled couple who makes things light and easy. Plus, one of you can take the photos, and the other can assist.

How To Start:

Start with pro-bono work to build a portfolio. You can do it for free for your friends and family (even if they hired another photographer) to minimize the pressure. Plus, it will help you find your style and perfect your working relationship under pressure.

Get testimonials from people who love you. After each successful gig, request a written or video testimonial. These serve as powerful social proof that you can use on your website.

Start networking in your market. Use social media platforms and wedding expos to get the word out. You can also collaborate with wedding planners and venues for referrals. Make sure your online presence is stunning - with weddings, it’s all about the look.

10. Couple’s Travel Blogging

My wife and I love to travel (we once went to Ireland for the weekend). If you do too, why not try and turn it into a business? Creating a travel blog can not only document your journey but also generate revenue opportunities down the line.

How to Start:

Choose a niche within the travel industry that excites you both. This could be adventure travel, luxury escapes, or budget-friendly travel tips. A niche will help set your blog apart from the rest.

Invest in quality camera equipment and editing software. Stunning visuals will capture your audience and enhance your stories. Quality matters when you’re competing with a ton of other travel bloggers.

Learn the basics of SEO to make your blog discoverable. Keywords, meta descriptions, and high-quality content are essential. Understand that SEO is a long-term investment but critical for organic growth.

Build A strong Business As A Strong Couple.

There’s nothing that will test your relationship like going into business together. My wife and I have had our ups and downs writing movies and creating content together. But it’s made us stronger as a couple. And I wouldn’t change it for the world.

Start now, and good luck.

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